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Qualitative Services - Thematic Coding

qualitative services thematic codingQualitative Services Thematic Coding -- Transcription and qualitative/thematic data coding will consume much of your time. Estimates vary depending on the person but plan on at least a multiplier of 4, up to 10 times the number of recorded audio hours.

Transcribing audio-to-text is tedious, and coding your data requires costly software your university probably did not provide.

Simply provide your coach or editor with the raw audio or text file (if you used a platform that provided a transcription). We’ll produce, deliver, and review the needed reports, and you move on to your analysis!

If you have audio (or video with an audio track) recordings that need to be transcribed, we are happy to offer that as a service. Additionally, we can take the transcription and ghostwrite a narrative from the content (non-dissertation projects only). Once transcribed, we also offer results coding!

Qualitative Services Thematic Coding

Once your interviews are completed and transcribed, we will import the text files into coding software. Based on a list of keywords and phrases you provide, we will do the busy work of coding relevant phrases based on that list. The codes you derive are essential to this process, as those keywords drive the coach’s coding of the data. According to Miles et al. (2014), “You determine the code for a chunk of data by careful reading and reflection on its core content or meaning. This gives you intimate, interpretative familiarity with every datum in the corpus” (p. 73). Review your transcripts, compile the keyword list, and we’ll do the coding! The output will include all the data and information you need to complete your theme analysis. We will go back into the software, adjust coding, and re-run the reports when necessary (committee-requested edits, for example).

Qualitative Services Thematic Coding

qualitative services thematic coding

Utilizing us for this service will save you a great deal of time on the tedious task of combing through each transcript and applying the needed code. We’ll do it quickly, and correctly, and get the results back to you fast so you can move on to analyzing your themes. Transcription and qualitative data coding services will save you a great deal of time! If you have data that lends itself to statistical analysis, consider some of our data services for graduate students.


Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook (3rd Ed.). SAGE Publications.

(cited in: Elliott, V. (2018). Thinking about the coding process in qualitative data analysis. The Qualitative Report, 23(11), 2850-2861. Full text available here.)